The Hartford County Bar Association recently invited Atty. Vincent J. Trantolo to present its
“In Practices” Seminar, which took place at its May 2 meeting at the Hartford Hilton. This presentation dealt with the reality of advertising for law firms in the contemporary market, and members of the HCBA looked forward to sharing in his knowledge and experience.

Atty. Trantolo was an innovator in law firm advertising and still is today. He is a pioneer in groundbreaking media and marketing innovations, which have impacted both state and national legal communities since the mid 1980s. He fought his way to the Connecticut Supreme Court to confront the antiquated rulings and advertising traditions, which forbid the use of television advertising to law firms. In a landmark historic CT Case, (Grievance Committee vs. Trantolo, January 3, l984) Atty. Trantolo brought legal advertising into the 20th century, winning a Supreme Court decision which allowed the use of television in Connecticut law firm advertising for the very first time. Attorney Trantolo was able to create an indelible brand name throughout the state by effectively challenging the traditional status quo of legal marketing.

Trantolo & Trantolo is still on the cutting edge of law firm marketing in its use of all media formats, including social media and internet. Atty. Trantolo was honored to share his insights and his continuing expertise with fellow members of the Hartford County Bar Association, who were honored to listen.