Riverhead Pedestrian Accident Attorney

If you’ve been hit by a careless driver while walking in Riverhead, our pedestrian accident team can help you pursue compensation and hold the at-fault driver accountable. We may recover money for you to pay for your medical care, income losses, and more. Let our pedestrian accident attorneys manage your case while you focus on getting better.

Our Riverhead personal injury lawyers from Trantolo & Trantolo, LLC, represent injured pedestrians hit by negligent drivers and know what it takes to build a solid case to recover just compensation for our clients. Let us review your case and explain how we can help today. Contact us now to learn more.

Our Riverhead Pedestrian Accident Attorneys Fight for a Fair Payout

When our Riverhead pedestrian collision lawyers handle a case, we gather documentation to show the expenses and losses our client experienced because of the accident. We use our experience, documentation, and expert witness input to determine a fair settlement range for the case.

The financial recovery in these cases could include money for:

  • Current and future medical care
  • Care and support for ongoing needs due to long-term injuries
  • Current and future income losses
  • Diminished earning capacity
  • Related costs with receipts
  • Pain and suffering
  • Other non-economic damages

What If Your Loved One Suffered Catastrophic Injuries After a Pedestrian Accident?

Common pedestrian accident injuries include many life-altering, catastrophic injuries. We may be able to file a personal injury claim and seek compensation for:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Serious fractures
  • Traumatic amputations or other limb loss
  • Internal injuries and bleeding
  • Burns and road rash
  • Spinal cord injuries

If your loved one is recovering from catastrophic injuries following a pedestrian accident, you should connect with our team. We can discuss your family’s options for seeking compensation and help you navigate the legal process.

It is especially important to recover fair compensation for injured pedestrians with catastrophic injuries. You need to ensure you are seeking enough money to pay for their ongoing and future care. Our attorneys will work with medical experts and others to accurately estimate the cost of their care.

What Are My Options If My Loved One Died From Their Pedestrian Injuries?

Not all pedestrians survive the accidents they’re involved in. In Riverhead, your family may recover compensation through a wrongful death action if your loved one passed away because of someone else’s negligence.

When we need to file a wrongful death action based on a victim’s death, we work closely with the estate executor. This party is also known as the victim’s personal representative. Under EPTL § 5-4.1, this is the only party who can sue the at-fault driver to recover compensation based on the death.

Our Riverhead lawyers handle these cases on a contingency-fee basis. Your family will never need to pay upfront fees to have our team handle your loved one’s pedestrian accident case.

What to Expect From Our Riverhead, NY, Pedestrian Accident Lawyers

Trantolo & Trantolo, LLC, has been fighting to help injury victims recover compensation since 1938. For more than 80 years, we have fought for the rights of those hurt by someone else’s carelessness. We want to help you seek justice and recover fair compensation from the at-fault driver.

We will not take less than you deserve and will take cases to court when necessary. Let us take on your case and seek the payout you deserve. We handle even the most complex and challenging cases.

Our lawyers have a long track record of success. We have won millions in settlements and verdicts for our clients. This includes:

  • ​​$2,000,000 mediated settlement for a client hit by a vehicle while crossing the  street
  • $1,200,000 settlement for a client struck by a left-turning driver who failed to yield
  • $475,000 settlement for a client hit while crossing the street in a crosswalk
  • $325,000 settlement for a client struck by a distracted driver in a parking lot

Our Riverhead, NY, personal injury attorneys offer free consultations and represent clients on a contingency-fee basis. You pay our team nothing until we win your case.

Our Riverhead Pedestrian Accident Attorneys Build Compelling Cases for Compensation

While you continue your treatment, rehabilitation, and healing, our team will go to work building a case to recover fair compensation for you. We need to provide solid evidence to show that the at-fault driver acted carelessly or recklessly and caused your accident and injuries.

Our attorneys understand the most common causes of pedestrian accidents and how to develop a strong case based on these collision types. The evidence available can vary from case to case, but we can often use the crash report filed by responding police officers, eyewitness statements, video of the crash, and other items to tell a compelling story as to why the driver owes our client a fair payout.

Let’s win your case TOGETHER

Let’s win your case TOGETHER

How Does a Riverhead Pedestrian Accident Lawyer Determine Who Is Liable for Your Injuries?

When our personal injury lawyers handle your pedestrian accident case, we need to show what caused your accident. In most pedestrian collision cases we handle, it is the driver’s negligence. We must show the driver acted negligently to recover compensation for our client.

Negligence is the legal term we use to mean the careless and reckless actions that cause a crash and injuries. There are four factors necessary to show negligence occurred:

  • The party owed the victim a duty of care, usually because of an applicable traffic law
  • They breached that duty
  • Their breach was the proximate cause of the collision
  • The victim suffered harm, whether physically, emotionally, or financially

For example, consider a case we recently handled where our client was crossing a street in a clearly marked crosswalk. A driver turned left and struck them, causing serious injuries. This driver had a duty of care to yield to any oncoming traffic and pedestrians before turning. They breached their duty by failing to do so. Their failure was the proximate cause of the crash and the reason our client suffered harm.

When we can show a party acted negligently, they are generally legally responsible—or liable—for the damages that occurred.

How Can a Riverhead, NY, Collision Attorney Recover Money for Your Pedestrian Accident Injuries?

There are several ways our Riverhead pedestrian accident attorneys win cases for clients. Many settle outside of court. We demand fair compensation from the driver’s insurance carrier and negotiate with the insurance adjuster until we reach an agreement. This could occur before or after filing a personal injury lawsuit in civil court.

We sometimes engage in alternative dispute-resolution tactics. This could include mediation with a third-party mediator or arbitration. There are specific reasons why we might use one of these techniques, and they have advantages and disadvantages. We can discuss them further if they may be a possibility in your case.

We file personal injury lawsuits frequently and will not hesitate to do so if we believe it is necessary to recover fair compensation in your case. However, most do not go to trial. Instead, we continue negotiations and reach an agreement before the court date arrives. When we take a case to trial, we present strong evidence and ask the jury to award compensation based on our client’s damages.

When Should You Begin Your Riverhead Pedestrian Accident Lawsuit?

In New York State, under CVP § 214, we usually have up to three years to file the initial paperwork and begin a civil lawsuit against the at-fault driver. However, we need to take many steps before we reach this stage. The sooner you can contact our team and enlist our help, the better.

We encourage Riverhead pedestrian accident victims to contact us as soon as their injuries are stable and they are able to make the call. We understand that, for some, this could be several weeks after the collision. For many others, it could be sooner.

Letting us know about your case and hiring our team to represent you quickly after an accident gives us the opportunity to identify and preserve more evidence. Some types of evidence disappear quickly.  Over the first few days and weeks, video of the crash is recorded over, witnesses forget details, and maintenance crews clear the scene of the crash.

The earlier we can begin looking for evidence and preserving it, the stronger the case may be against the at-fault driver. If your loved one is unable to make the call because of the severity of their injuries, contact us on their behalf.

Discuss Your Legal Options With Our Riverhead Pedestrian Accident Team Today

Trantolo & Trantolo, LLC, offers free consultations for pedestrian accident victims in Riverhead. We understand how important an insurance settlement or another payout might be to your family. Let our team of attorneys help your family.

Contact us using our online contact form or call us for your free initial consultation. We have someone available to take your call now.

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