Pet ownership grows more popular every year, with approximately 69 million U.S. households including a dog. While dogs make great companions, attacks have also become a frequent problem on Long Island. Dog bites can result in severe injuries, limb amputation from infection or even death.

If you were the victim of a dog attack, it’s important to consult a Long Island dog bite attorney as soon as possible. The skilled and experienced Long Island personal injury team at Trantolo & Trantolo can help you win the compensation you deserve for your injuries

Dog Bite Laws in New York State

New York has a “one bite rule,” which can let the owner off the hook for their dog’s first offense if they were unaware the animal might cause someone harm. The state also handles dog bite cases under “strict liability” and negligence, which holds the owner liable for the resulting medical costs of an attack if they should have known of their dog’s “vicious propensity.” This may include growling, teeth-baring, or charging.

It can be difficult to prove strict liability when the owner challenges the victim’s account of the incident. That’s why you need an experienced dog bite attorney in Long Island to navigate the often confusing legal landscape of these cases.

Why Hire a Long Island Dog Bite Attorney?

At Trantolo & Trantolo, the dedicated dog bite injury legal team assigned to your case will gather all relevant information needed to prove liability. Our dog bite attorneys will show the dog owner had a duty of care to ensure their animal was properly controlled and let others know of any history of aggression. We’ll also work to prove the owner acted carelessly, which directly resulted in your dog bite injuries.

The consequences of a dog bite injury often extend beyond the initial medical treatment received. An attack can leave the victim in need of physical therapy, rehabilitation, plastic surgery, or long-term medical care. An experienced dog attack attorney from our team will fight back against the insurance company to maximize compensation for your long-term pain and suffering.

Our Largest Dog Bite Settlements

Trantolo & Trantolo has over 85 years of experience representing dog bite victims. Our attorneys have secured settlements as large as $750,000. Explore our most impressive awards for dog bite clients.

Award Amount Type of Case
$750,000 A dog attacked a child while riding his bicycle. The child was dragged to the ground and bit on the arm and head, requiring surgery.
$422,018 Client was bitten by two dogs. This attack resulted in our client having significant injuries which required surgeries and the need for physical therapy.
$300,000 A dog attacked a child and bit him on his thigh. The child suffered emotional trauma and needed surgery for his injury.
$290,000 A dog attacked our client while she was riding her horse. The startled horse threw the rider to the ground, causing significant injuries that required surgery and left scars.
$275,000 A dog bit our client in the face while she was visiting at her neighbor’s home. Our client was hospitalized and suffered scarring from the bite.

How Our Long Island Dog Bite Injury Lawyers Can Help

If you’ve been injured in a dog bite incident on Long Island, it’s crucial to understand the legal elements necessary to prove the dog owner’s liability. A successful claim often hinges on demonstrating the owner’s knowledge or should have known of the dog’s aggressive behavior.

Our LI Dog Bite Lawyers Can Establish Who Is Responsible for the Dog Attack

When an animal causes personal injury, its owner can be held legally responsible. A number of factors need to be considered when determining whether the dog owner was responsible or if the person bitten provoked the attack.

On Long Island, the victim must prove the owner knew or should have known their dog had vicious tendencies before the attack occurred. Our experienced team will thoroughly investigate the incident to determine whether the dog had vicious propensities. If the dog had no history of aggression, the dog owner may not be held liable.

Our Dog Bite Lawyers in Long Island Can Gather Evidence of Dog Behavior to Prove Liability

Collecting evidence about a dog’s past behavior can be challenging, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the animal. A seasoned dog bite attorney can leverage their expertise to investigate the incident and gather relevant information. This may involve:

  • Witness statements: Interviewing neighbors, witnesses, or anyone who has interacted with the dog.
  • Veterinary records: Review the dog’s medical history for any indications of aggressive behavior or behavioral issues.
  • Prior incident reports: Checking local law enforcement records for any previous reports of the dog attacking or biting.

While a “beware of dog” sign is usually a red flag, it doesn’t automatically prove the owner knew the dog was dangerous. The sign merely serves as a warning; additional evidence is typically required to establish liability.

In New York, violating state leash laws is generally considered negligence per se. However, even if the owner violated a leash law, proving prior vicious propensity is often necessary to recover damages for pain and suffering.

Getting through the intricacies of a dog bite case in Long Island can be overwhelming. A skilled dog bite attorney from Trantolo & Trantolo can give you the guidance you need to protect your rights and obtain the legal reward you deserve.

Let’s win your case TOGETHER

Let’s win your case TOGETHER

Types of Damages Our Lawyers Can Get for You in Your Long Island Dog Bite Injury Claim

A dog bite injury can have wide-ranging  consequences, both physically and emotionally. Beyond immediate medical expenses, victims may be entitled to additional types of damages.

  • Emotional trauma: Dog attacks, especially those involving children, can cause significant emotional distress that may persist for years.
  • Physical pain and suffering: Pain and suffering encompass the physical discomfort and emotional anguish endured due to the injury.
  • Scarring and disfigurement: Visible scars or permanent disfigurement can have a profound impact on a victim’s self-esteem and quality of life.
  • Lost wages: If the injury prevents you from working, you may be eligible for compensation for lost income.

 Insurance companies often attempt to minimize payouts, especially in dog attack cases. A skilled LI dog bite attorney can negotiate effectively to secure a fair settlement. If the negotiations don’t amount to a significant result, your attorney may recommend taking the case to court. A jury can award substantial damages, especially in cases involving severe injuries or children.

Delaying legal action can hinder your ability to gather evidence and build a strong case. It’s crucial to seek legal advice promptly after a dog bite incident.

Where Do Dog Bites Occur on Long Island?

Dog bites commonly take place in public, including at parks and on the street. A dog may not be properly restrained or act aggressively when approached. Injuries can also occur on private property when a guest is visiting someone’s house or a delivery is made. If the person was not aware of the presence of a dog on the premises or it was improperly restrained and escaped, bites can occur.

What Should You Do After a Dog Bite Injury?

After suffering a dog bite, there are several important steps to take. First, seek medical attention right away to ensure your injuries are properly treated and documented. You may need to receive a rabies shot to prevent this disease.

Also, obtain the dog owner’s contact information and file a dog bite report, which can help support your claim if the dog has a recorded history of attacks. Previous incidents can significantly increase your ability to secure damages.

Common Dog Bite Injuries

There is a big difference between a playful bite that barely grazes the flesh and one that breaks the skin. Puncture wounds have an inherent risk of infection. Serious bites can lead to significant injuries, especially if untreated, including:

  • Nerve damage
  • Lacerations
  • Scarring
  • Permanent disfigurement
  • Loss of sensation
  • Emotional trauma and PTSD

If you or someone you know has been injured in a dog bite incident, it’s crucial to seek medical attention immediately and consult with a qualified dog bite attorney in Long Island. Our personal injury law firm specializes in helping victims of dog bites recover the compensation they deserve. We can assess your case, gather evidence, and negotiate with insurance companies to ensure you receive fair treatment.

How Can Owners Prevent Dog Bites?

At Trantolo & Trantolo, we are dog lovers but when our four-legged friends become aggressive, people can get seriously hurt. If you’ve been involved in a dog attack, you know how painful and scary the experience can be.

Contrary to popular belief, any dog breed can become hostile under the right circumstances. What can you do to prevent your dog from acting aggressive and potentially biting someone?

  • Socialize your puppy from an early age, so they know how to safely interact with people and other dogs or pets.
  • Provide your dog with plenty of opportunity for exercise, so they don’t become frustrated or restless.
  • Dog training from a qualified professional can help your dog learn to be friendly, obedient and live peacefully with people.

Contact Trantolo & Trantolo Today

Our compassionate dog bite legal team in Long Island understands the trauma these accidents can cause. If you or a loved one has suffered a dog bite, Let Our Family, Help Your Family™.

For a free, no-obligation consultation, please fill out our online contact form or call us any time!