Written by  Keith V. Trantolo

Trantolo Settlements and Verdicts; Proven Results for our Clients

Trantolo & Trantolo works tirelessly to ensure every wronged party receives the compensation they deserve for their injuries and losses.

Our promise to you…no matter the cause of your personal injury, we will fight on your behalf as if you were member of our own family!

Please select a Practice Area below to see our results on behalf of past clients.


Motor Vehicle Accident Settlements and Verdicts


Settlement after one week of trial. Client suffered permanent, severe brain damage when his vehicle was broadsided by a police car in pursuit of another vehicle.


Settlement. Client was a passenger in a motor vehicle involved in a car crash. Client suffered numerous serious injuries, including traumatic brain injury.


Settlement. Client was a passenger in vehicle driven by an intoxicated driver. Client suffered multiple injuries, including traumatic brain injury, when this car was involved in a one-vehicle accident.


Settlement. Client suffered severe injuries, including brain damage, when her car was broadsided by a police cruiser.


Mediated Settlement. Investigation of defendant’s cell phone records indicated he had been texting while driving. His vehicle struck our client’s car, which caused it to roll over. This resulted in serious injuries to our client, which required surgeries.


Settlement. Client was standing by her vehicle on side of roadway when she was seriously injured by an out-of-control automobile.


Verdict. Client was rear-ended at a high rate of speed by a careless driver with defective brakes. The collision resulted in our client sustaining serious injuries requiring extensive medical treatment, surgery and permanent injuries.


Settlement. Client was traveling on the Long Island Expressway when he was rear-ended and pushed into the car ahead of him,, sustaining injuries to his neck and back.


Settlement. Client was travelling straight when his car was t-boned by a utility truck which had gone through a stop sign. Our client suffered significant injuries, including, but not limited to, the neck and lower back, as well as torn tendons in his right foot. He would require surgery and extensive physical therapy.


Settlement. Client’s vehicle was struck head-on by truck traveling too fast for conditions, causing severe concussion and serious injuries to neck, back and legs.


Settlement. Client was operating large dump truck at construction site. A large boulder was dropped into the truck bed, causing serious injury when his head struck roof of cab.


Settlement. for car crash resulting in herniated lumbar and cervical discs.


Settlement. Client was traveling on a NY Expressway when he was rear-ended and pushed into the car ahead of him. This collision caused injuries to his back, neck and shoulder.


Settlement. Client was traveling straight when his car was t-boned. This collision resulted in significant injuries requiring multiple surgeries and ongoing treatment.


Settlement. Client was a passenger in a motor vehicle involved in a car crash. Client suffered numerous serious injuries requiring surgery.


Settlement. Client was driving on a CT highway, and slowing in traffic. She was rear ended by another vehicle. This crash resulted in injuries to the back and neck.


Settlement. Client was stopped at a red light when her vehicle was rear ended. This collision resulted in a concussion, and injuries which would require surgery and physical therapy.


Settlement. Client was rear ended by a drunk driver and sustained serious injuries the lumbar spine area.


Settlement. Client was a passenger in a motor vehicle which was struck by a backing truck. This collision resulted in significant and painful leg and back injuries which would require surgery and physical therapy.


Settlement. For car crash resulting him broken leg and herniated cervical disk.


Settlement. Defendant made left turn in front of our client’s vehicle, resulting in collision. Our client suffered numerous injuries, including ones to his ankle, knee and lumbar spine. Client unable to work at former position due to injuries.


Verdict. Client a passenger in a motor vehicle accident, which resulted in injuries to her neck, back and wrist. These injuries ended the possibility of a promising career as a professional horseback rider.


Settlement. Client was driving when her vehicle was struck by a vehicle making a left turn at a high rate of speed. Client needed back surgery as a result of this collision.


Settlement. Client’s vehicle was struck by a flatbed tractor trailer that was backing across a roadway. Client suffered a series of strokes due to this crash.


Mediated Settlement. Client was making a left turn when vehicle was struck by truck making improper lane change. This crash resulted in our client having significant injuries to her neck, back, and shoulder, some of which required physical therapy and surgery.


Settlement. Client’s vehicle was struck on side of car by another vehicle when turning left into private lot. This collision caused injuries to her back, neck and face, some of which would require surgery and extensive physical therapy.


Settlement. For car crash resulting in neck injury requiring spinal fusion.


Settlement. Client was stopped in a left turn lane, when her vehicle was struck by a car exiting from a private drive. Client’s vehicle was totaled and she required surgery as a result of this collision.


Settlement. Client was driving through intersection when his pickup truck was struck by a car which had gone through a red light. Resulting injuries to back and neck would require surgery and physical therapy.


Settlement. Client had been driving in left lane of roadway, preparing to turn. A vehicle exited from a private driveway and collided with her car. She was injured in this collision and transported to hospital. Client would later require surgeries as a result of injuries.


Settlement. Client’s vehicle became disabled on the New York State Thruway and, after stopping to put his flashers on, was rear-ended at a high rate of speed. The impact resulted in injuries to his knee, shoulder, cervical and lumbar spine.


Settlement. Client was traveling on the highway when his car was struck by an out of control vehicle which had just been involved in another collision. The resulting crash caused injuries to our client’s neck, shoulder and back, with the shoulder requiring surgery.


Settlement. Client was travelling through an intersection when his car was struck by a vehicle which had gone through a stop sign. Our client had injuries to back and neck which required surgery and physical therapy.


Settlement. Client’s car was struck by a vehicle which had not stopped at a stop sign. This collision resulted in injuries to our client’s neck and back, which would require surgery.


Settlement. Client was stopped waiting for a red light to change. Her vehicle was rear ended by another car. Client suffered back and neck injuries which would require surgery and physical therapy.


Settlement. For rear-end car crash on Interstate 95 resulting in whiplash and PTSD.


Settlement. Client’s car was struck head on by a vehicle attempting to turn left. Client suffered a cervical spine fracture, which required surgery, as well as numerous injuries to his shoulder, hand and wrist.


Settlement. Client was traveling straight on roadway when an oncoming car suddenly turned left in front of him. The resulting crash caused our client to have injuries which would later require back surgery and physical therapy.


Settlement. Client was exiting a private parking lot, travelling through a green light. The defendant ran a red light, and crashed into our client’s car. This resulted in significant injuries to our client, which required surgery and physical therapy.


Settlement. Client was driving his work vehicle, had the right of way when the defendant ran a stop sign and struck the side of his vehicle. Our client suffered numerous injuries requiring physical therapy.


Settlement. Client’s vehicle was struck in rear by defendant. This collision resulted in Traumatic Brain Injury to our client. Surgery was eventually necessary.


Settlement. Client was a passenger in a car which was driving through a green light. This vehicle was struck by car going through red light. Our client suffered significant head, neck and back injuries.


Settlement. Client was a passenger in car when another vehicle was traveling too fast, slid on wet leaves, and broadsided the vehicle. Client suffered significant injuries, some of which required surgery.


Settlement. Client was involved in a significant rear-end collision in New York and suffered debilitating injuries, requiring injections, ablations and ongoing treatment.


Settlement. Client was sitting in heavy traffic, waiting for an accident to clear. His vehicle was struck in rear by another car, causing out client significant injuries to his hip, back and shoulders.


Settlement. For car crash resulting him broken leg and laceration to head.


Settlement. Client was traveling straight along a main roadway when a truck towing a trailer pulled out from a side road into our client’s lane. Our client was forced to undergo a shoulder surgery to treat the injuries sustained in the wreck.


Settlement. An oncoming vehicle crossed the center line and struck our client’s car head on. This crash resulted in our client having significant injuries to the face, head, neck, leg and shoulder areas. Surgery was required, as we’ll as physical and occupational therapy.


Settlement. Client was a passenger in a car that that was travelling through an intersection. This vehicle was struck by a car that had gone through a stop sign. Our client suffered several injuries as a result of this accident, some of which required surgery on her shoulder and extensive physical therapy.


Settlement. For car crash resulting in fractured wrist and multiple fractured ribs.


Settlement. For car crash resulting in fractured sternum.


Motorcycle Accident Settlements and Verdicts


Settlement. Client was riding on Route 15 in Meriden, Connecticut, when he traveled through an area of defectively milled roadway causing him to lose control of his motorcycle and crash. He and his wife settled a lawsuit with the defendant milling company, Black & Boucher LLC, for $3.5 million dollars. Read more.


Settlement. This case involved a motorcycle rider, travelling straight, whose vehicle was struck by a left turning large truck. This crash caused such significant injuries that it resulted in the death of the motorcyclist.


Settlement. Client was driving her motorcycle when an oncoming truck turned left in front of her vehicle. This collision resulted in our client having significant injuries which would result in numerous surgeries.


Settlement. Client was a passenger on a motorcycle and suffered serious injuries when the defendant’s car turned left in front of motorcycle. Plaintiff’s husband, the driver of motorcycle, was killed.


Settlement. Client was driving his motorcycle when he was cut off by a motorist attempting to make a left hand turn. The resulting collision caused serious long-term injuries to our client.


Settlement. Client was struck on his motorcycle after a limo driver swerved into his lane, resulting in brain injuries, a skull fracture, and other life-threatening injuries.


Settlement. Client suffered serious long-term injuries after a driver made an improper left-hand turn in front of the motorcycle that she was riding on as a passenger, ejecting her from the bike.


Settlement. A negligent Amazon driver failed to yield when attempting to make a left turn and struck our client, ejecting him from his motorcycle. The collision resulted in life-altering injuries, requiring hospitalization and numerous surgeries. Read more.


Settlement. Client was ejected off his motor cycle, as a result of a collision with a vehicle which had attempted to turn left in front of him. Our client crashed into the defendant’s windshield and fell onto the roadway. Client was hospitalized with brain trauma and other serious injuries, which required surgeries and physical therapies.


Settlement. Client was driving his motorcycle when a vehicle exited from a private drive into his path of travel. Client suffered several leg fractures and other significant injuries that would require surgeries and physical therapy.


Settlement. Client was driving his motorcycle when an oncoming vehicle made left turn in front of him. This collision caused client to have severe traumatic injuries, resulting in his death.


Settlement. Client was driving a motorcycle. Defendant drove his car into path of motorcycle. Client died as a result of injuries sustained in this collision.


Settlement. Client was driving a motorcycle. Defendant made left turn in front of client, who sustained serious injuries requiring many surgeries.


Settlement. Client was driving his motorcycle straight, when a car exited from private drive into his path of travel. This collision caused serious injuries to our client.


Settlement. Client was driving his motorcycle when a vehicle pulled out in front of him, ejecting him from the bike. Client sustained a fractured leg requiring surgery.


Settlement. Client was a passenger on a motorcycle. An oncoming suddenly made vehicle turn in front of motorcycle. The resulting crash caused serious injuries to our client, including several fractures which would require surgery.


Settlement. Client was a passenger on a motorcycle. An oncoming vehicle failed to grant the right of way to the motorcycle. The resulting crash caused our client to have significant injuries, including several fractures. These injuries would require surgery and extensive physical therapy.


Verdict. Client suffered permanent injury when truck reversed into him and dragged him along roadway.


Settlement. Client was driving his motorcycle, when struck by a vehicle which had made an illegal turn. This collision resulted in our client having several fractures. These included injuries to his fibula, tibula and ribs. Some of these would require surgery.


Settlement. Client was driving a motorcycle. Defendant tried to make left turn in front of him, causing collision. This resulted in serious injury and surgeries for broken arm and leg.


Client suffered serious long-term injuries after a driver made an improper left hand turn in front of his motorcycle, including head injury, fractured ribs and significant lacerations to his right arm.


Settlement. Client was involved in a motorcycle accident with another vehicle that fled the scene. He suffered significant injuries and was initially found at fault by the police. After thoughtful analysis of video surveillance which captured part of the accident and continued pursuit of additional witnesses, we were able to have the accident investigation reopened clearing our client of any fault resulting in a favorable outcome.


Settlement. Client was riding his motorcycle when an oncoming car suddenly turned left in front of his path of travel. The injuries to his leg, ankle and shoulder, which our client suffered as a result of this crash would require significant medical intervention.


Settlement. Client was driving a motorcycle. A truck attempted to make left turn in front of client’s vehicle, causing collision. Client suffered serious injuries, including the eventual loss of a leg.


Settlement. Client had just completed a left turn, when a car exited from a private drive, causing a collision. This collision resulted in our client having significant injuries. These resulted in the need for surgeries and a significant change in lifestyle.


Settlement. Client was driving a motorcycle, which was stuck by a left turning vehicle. Client suffered several injuries, including a hip fracture, requiring surgery, and damage to his shoulder and back.


Settlement. Client was driving a motorcycle when struck by a left turning car. Client was thrown from motorcycle and sustained serious injuries, including a broken tibia.


Settlement. Client was driving his motorcycle when a vehicle exited from a private drive, into his path of travel. Client attempted to avoid vehicle, but resulting crash caused our client to suffer “road burn,” from sliding on roadway, and numerous injuries, which would require surgery.


Settlement. Client was travelling straight on roadway, when oncoming vehicle made left turn across his path of travel. The resulting collision caused injuries to our client’s ribs, back, hip and leg, requiring several surgeries.


Settlement. Client was riding motorcycle on a public roadway, when a car drove into the street from a private drive and collided with his bike. This collision caused neck and back injuries which would later require surgery for our client.


Settlement. Client driving motorcycle was struck by left turning vehicle, suffering serious injuries, including partial amputation of foot.


Settlement. Client was operating a motorcycle when struck by a car attempting to make left turn in front of her. Client suffered serious injuries including concussion, fractures, scarring, and eventually required surgery.


Settlement. Client was riding his motorcycle through a green light, when another driver made a left turn in front of him. Our client suffered extensive injuries to his left leg, which required surgery.


Settlement. Client was riding his motorcycle, when an oncoming car suddenly turned left in front of him. The resulting crash caused significant injuries to his back, hip, ribs, thigh and ankle, some of which would require surgery.


Settlement. Client was riding his motorcycle, when an oncoming vehicle turned left in front of him, while trying to turn into a private driveway. Our client was ejected from his motorcycle, and suffered numerous fractures, some of which required surgery and physical therapy.


Settlement. Client was driving a motorcycle when another vehicle attempted to turn left in front of him, causing collision. Client suffered numerous serious injuries, including fractures which required surgery.


Slip & Fall Settlements and Verdicts


Settlement. Client was walking on private drive covered with ice and snow, intending to throw trash into dumpster. She slipped on the ice and fell. Resulting injuries caused lost wages, and required surgery, as well as physical therapy.


Settlement following Mediation. Client was struck by ladder as he walked near a retail establishment. The subsequent fall resulted in a severe skull fracture and numerous neurological deficits.


Settlement. Client entered bathtub and was severely burned by water which had become scalding, due to improper water system. Client suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns.


Settlement. Client slipped and fell while walking on icy walkway. His fall resulted in significant fractures, which would require multiple surgeries.


Mediated Settlement. Client was walking across a private parking lot. She slipped and fell on ice which had accumulated in the area. This caused serious injuries to client, resulting in surgeries, rehabilitation, and permanent partial disability.


Settlement. Client was walking on parking lot when she stepped into a pot hole which was covered with leaves. The resulting fall caused significant injuries to the foot, leg and back which would require surgeries and physical therapy.


Settlement at Mediation. Client was walking through parking area, when she slipped and fell. She suffered significant injuries, and later died as a result of subsequent complications.


Settlement. Client slipped and fell on runoff from an open pipe in a NYC subway station, sustaining a quad injury.


Settlement. Client slipped on frozen runoff after a snow removal company negligently plowed snow onto the incline of a parking lot causing water pool and refreeze. This resulted in our client breaking his ankle.


Settlement. Client fell down on the sidewalk while attempting to enter a commercial establishment, sustaining significant injuries to her leg that required surgery and physical therapy.


Settlement. Client was walking on commercial property when she slipped and fell on “black ice” which had not been treated. Our client suffered injuries to her leg, foot, and back, which would require surgery and physical therapy.


Settlement. Client was walking through a parking lot which was covered in snow and ice. Our client slipped and fell, and this resulted in a fracture to the right hip. This injury would require surgery.


Settlement. Client was walking on private property when he slipped and fell on icy walkway. This fall resulted in fracture and ligament damage, which would require surgery and physical therapy.


Settlement. Client was walking from her residence when she slipped and fell on ice. The resulting injuries required stitches and surgeries.


Settlement. Client slipped and fell on mossy/icy wooden ramp. This resulted in shoulder injury to our client which required surgical repair.


Settlement. Client was exiting from a restaurant. There was poor lighting in the area and our client slipped and fell. This caused injuries, including a broken ankle, which required physical therapy and surgery.


Settlement. Client was walking her dog. She slipped on black ice which had accumulated on a wooden ramp near her doorway. This fall resulted in injuries which required surgery and physical therapy.


Dog Bite Settlements and Verdicts


Settlement. Client was a child attacked by a dog while riding his bicycle. The child was dragged to the ground and bit on the arm and head, requiring surgery.


Settlement. Client was bitten by two pit bulls. This attack resulted in our client having significant injuries which required surgeries and the need for physical therapy.


Settlement. Client was a child who had been bitten in the thigh area by an uncontrolled dog. This dog bite resulted in emotional trauma, and Injury that would require surgery.


Settlement. Client was run into by a dog while standing in his yard causing him to fall to the ground and suffer injuries to his right leg. The injury required surgical repair and developed other complications that required medical attention.


Settlement. Client was riding her horse. A pit bull attacked, and our client was thrown from horse. This caused significant injury to client, resulting in surgeries, scarring and ongoing pain.


Settlement. Client was walking her dog as a neighbor’s dog rushed at her, causing her to fall backwards. This resulted in serious injuries to our client, requiring a partial hip replacement surgery and physical therapy.


Settlement. Client was visiting a neighbor and bitten in the face by that neighbor’s Rottweiler. This bite resulted in hospitalization and scarring for our client.


Settlement. Client was standing in front of his home when he was bitten by a pit bull. His injuries resulted in several surgeries, physical therapy, and the eventual amputation of a finger.


Settlement. Client was walking on an outdoor track, when he was bit on his right lower leg by an unleashed dog. This injury resulted in several lacerations, which required surgery to be closed.


Pedestrian Accident Settlements and Verdicts


Mediated Settlement. Client was crossing a street and was struck by a vehicle while she was in the roadway. She was wearing a reflective vest but was not seen by driver of vehicle that struck her. She suffered serious injuries which required numerous surgeries and ongoing treatment.


Settlement. Client was struck in the crosswalk by a driver making a left turn and broke her leg, requiring surgery.


Settlement. For middle school student after he was let off school bus at wrong stop and then struck by car while crossing the street.


Settlement. Client was crossing a street within a clearly marked crosswalk. She was struck by a turning vehicle. The impact of this incident caused our client to have significant soft tissue damage. Our client also suffered a fractured arm, which would require surgery.


Settlement. Client in Long Island was struck by a distracted driver in a parking lot.


Settlement. Client was walking in parking lot, when she was struck by a vehicle which caused significant injury, including several fractures. These injuries required surgery and physical therapy.


Settlement. Client was walking in parking lot, when she was struck by a drunk driver who was driving a motorcycle. Our client suffered severe injury to her legs which required hospitalization and surgery.


Settlement. Client was struck by a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed while attempting to enter her own vehicle. Our client suffered a laceration to her head requiring several stiches, as well as a significant wrist injury requiring multiple surgeries.


Product Liability Settlements and Verdicts


Settlement. Client was retained by a golf tournament consulting company to travel to local tournaments and assist guests in firing golf balls from a golf ball air cannon. While preparing the air cannon for a guest, the cannon misfired striking our client in the eye ultimately leading to the loss of his eye.


Settlement. Clients were having a new propane tank installed into their residence. During this installation the tank exploded, causing serious injuries to our clients and loss of property.


Settlement. Client was on a porch which had improperly installed railing. Client fell through railing, suffering serious fractures which required hospitalization.

Medical Malpractice Settlements and Verdicts


Settlement. in combined confidential settlements of medical malpractice claims.


Settlement during trial, after extensive discovery and litigation. Client developed cerebral palsy as a result of medical negligence which caused a lack of oxygen to the brain.


Settlement. Child suffered severe injury at birth, due to medical error, resulting in permanent damage.


Settlement. Combined confidential settlements of medical malpractice claims.


Settlement prior to trial. Client’s husband’s death was caused by a misdiagnosis made by an emergency room doctor. This doctor failed to follow proper standards of care.


Verdict. Plaintiff was misdiagnosed and Improperly treated during emergency room visit. This lack of proper medical care resulted in death.


Settlement. combined confidential settlements of medical malpractice claims.


Settlement. Plaintiff died as a result of an experimental procedure to remove gallstones.


Settlement. The estate of the client, who was a child, brought suit against a mental health facility. Improper restraint methods were used during a “time out,” resulting in the child’s death.


Verdict. Client died as a result of being improperly restrained while in a hospital.


Settlement prior to trial. Client became ill during her second pregnancy. Standard of care was not followed at hospital and client died two days after giving birth.


Settlement prior to trial. Client died as a result of an allergic reaction to a prescribed medicine.


Settlement. Client was infant born with Erb’s Palsy as a result of negligence by medical staff.


Verdict. Client sustained severe and permanent injuries, including facial burning and scarring, as a result of the negligent and careless treatment received from a medical spa provider.


Settlement. Client went to primary care physician complaining of fever and dizziness. The physician failed to make proper initial diagnosis, and the patient died.


Settlement. Client suffered multiple falls at a fulltime care facility, which led to a fatal fall causing blunt trauma to the head.


Wrongful Death Settlements and Verdicts

About the Settlements/Verdicts: Unless otherwise noted, each case was argued on liability and/or damages, the issues involved were complex legal and factual issues, the opposing parties were represented by counsel, and Trantolo & Trantolo was successful in collecting the amounts stated.