Suffolk County Pedestrian Accident Attorney

According to a report from the Governor’s Safety Committee, approximately 15,000 pedestrians are injured in accidents in New York State each year, and 300 pedestrians are killed in fatal accidents.

If you were injured while walking, you may be struggling to recover while you deal with medical appointments and bills. You may also be unable to work and wondering where to turn. A pedestrian accident lawyer in Suffolk County can help you get the compensation you need to heal.

Let us take the pressure off of you by handling the legal aspects of your accident injury claim. We will negotiate with insurance companies to get you the highest possible compensation.

How Much Your Pedestrian Accident Claim May be Worth?

These past results from our clients who were injured in pedestrian accidents may differ from the results in your claim. However, these settlements were also calculated based on the evidence and damages in these claims, just as yours will be:

  • We secured a $2 million mediated settlement for a client who was hit by a car while crossing the street, resulting in serious injuries that needed multiple surgeries.
  • We secured a $1.2 million settlement for a client who was hit in a crosswalk, resulting in a broken leg that required surgery.
  • We secured a $475,000 settlement for a client who was hit in a crosswalk, resulting in soft tissue damage and a broken arm that needed surgery.
  • We secured a $325,000 settlement for a client who was struck by a distracted driver in a parking lot.
  • We secured a $300,000 settlement for a client who was hit by a car in a parking lot, resulting in fractures that required surgery and physical therapy.
  • We secured a $230,000 settlement for a client who was hit by a speeding car when entering her vehicle, resulting in a head laceration that needed stitches, and a wrist injury that required multiple surgeries.

Your injury lawyer will estimate the value of your pedestrian accident case in Suffolk County after carefully reviewing the evidence in your claim.

Our Lawyers Will Handle the Most Complex Aspects of Your Pedestrian Accident Case

Our personal injury lawyers in Suffolk County take on all types of accident cases – from routine to complex. We can navigate even the most complicated injury claims to prove liability to the at-fault party’s insurance company. Any injury claim can face problems like:

Your Claim Is Denied

Sometimes, to minimize or deny your compensation, the other side’s Insurance company will argue that your injuries aren’t that serious. When this happens, we use medical records and, when necessary, medical expert testimony to prove the seriousness of your injuries – and the value of the associated damages.

You Get Low Ball Offers

You typically get unfairly low settlement offers early on in the pedestrian accident claims process. Insurance companies are for-profit businesses whose goal is to keep as much of their profits as possible.

When you get an initial offer, it’s important that you don’t sign anything until your lawyer has had a chance to review it. In fact, you may want to let your Suffolk County pedestrian accident attorney handle all communication with the at-fault party’s insurance company.

The Defendant Blames You

Sometimes, in a pedestrian accident case, you will face false accusations that you were at fault. Determining the percentage of fault each party shares in a collision can be especially tricky if there is shared fault, which you can still get compensation for under New York’s comparative fault law N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 1411.

Depending on your case’s circumstances, your attorney may use photos, videos, eyewitness testimony, expert witness testimony, and accident reconstruction to prove fault in your case.

Fault Is Unclear

When more than one driver may be responsible for your pedestrian accident, fault may be unclear. In these cases, we can use evidence, witness and expert testimony, and accident reconstruction to prove each party’s percentage of fault to maximize the compensation you receive.

We know injury cases are tough on you and your family, and we understand what you are facing. As your lawyers, we handle the insurance company and legal complexities. We build your case while you focus on healing. Don’t go at it alone after a crash. You can rely on us for experienced legal support.

Getting Compensation When a Loved One Is Killed in a Pedestrian Accident

If your loved one was killed after being struck by a vehicle, certain family members and dependents may be able to get compensation. This includes money for funeral expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.

A wrongful death lawyer can investigate the accident and build a strong case that proves negligence. Your compensation can come from the driver’s auto insurance company up to the policy limits. If that is not enough, you may sue the driver for more.

Though rare, punitive damages may also be awarded if the driver’s actions were extremely negligent. This is meant to punish them. A pedestrian accident lawyer knows how to get full and fair compensation after your loss. We will handle the negotiations and, if necessary, the court process.

Proving Fault in a Pedestrian Accident

Pedestrians always have the right of way in intersections with crosswalks, whether they are marked or unmarked. Drivers have a duty of care towards pedestrians, But when a pedestrian gets hit, it may not be clear who is at fault.

Fault means someone was negligent, which is when someone doesn’t follow the rules of the road. For example, a driver is negligent if they speed or don’t pay attention, and it causes a pedestrian accident. But if a pedestrian crosses at the wrong time during rush hour, they break the rules. This could make the pedestrian liable or partly liable for the accident.

When both people are negligent, fault gets complicated, but with solid evidence and good lawyers, an injured pedestrian could still get money for their injuries.

How Your Lawyer Can Help During Your Suffolk County Pedestrian Accident Claim?

Having a lawyer will help if you get hit by a car as a pedestrian. We will investigate the accident to build a strong case to prove who was at fault. To start the process, we will ask you questions about the wreck and gather evidence like police reports, photos, videos, and witness statements. We can also work with accident reconstruction experts if needed.

Your pedestrian accident lawyer in Suffolk County will negotiate with insurance companies to get full compensation. We know how to calculate damages for medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering, and other losses. If insurance won’t pay enough, we can file a lawsuit for you, handling the litigation process, including discovery, motions, and trial if needed.

Let our pedestrian accident attorneys handle the legal aspects of your case so you can focus on recovering from your injuries. We will fight to get the maximum compensation you deserve under the law.

Recoverable Damages Following a Pedestrian Accident

Because pedestrians don’t have the protection of a vehicle in an accident, the injuries sustained in these collisions are often severe, resulting in higher damages due to surgeries, ongoing treatments, and future medical costs.

Some of the damages you may be able to recover include:

  • Your medical bills
  • The cost of rehabilitation
  • Your lost wages
  • The cost of medical transportation
  • Compensation for pain and suffering
  • Funeral and burial costs for fatal accidents

We can examine the evidence in your case and tell you which damages you are eligible to recover.

Talk to a Suffolk County Pedestrian Accident Lawyer for Free

Don’t go through your pedestrian accident claim alone. Contact our dedicated team of pedestrian accident attorneys for a free consultation. We have years of experience getting accident victims full and fair compensation. Our attorneys will thoroughly investigate your case and help determine who was at fault.

We operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning you pay no attorneys’ fees until we win your case. Let us handle negotiations with insurance companies and build a strong claim on your behalf. We are available 24/7 to arrange your free consultation. Contact us to get the personalized legal help you deserve during this challenging time.

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