Stamford Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Motorcycle crashes and fatalities are on the rise, according to the figures released by the state of Connecticut.

If you or a loved one suffered injuries in a motorcycle crash caused by another driver, our team can help you get justice. Our Stamford motorcycle accident attorneys know how to document negligence and liability to hold the at-fault party accountable. We recover fair compensation for our clients, including money for medical care, lost income, and pain and suffering.

A Stamford personal injury lawyer from Trantolo & Trantolo, LLC, is here to help you navigate the claims process and pursue the compensation you deserve. We provide free consultations. Let us answer your questions and explain our legal services. Contact us today at (844) 999-9999.

How a Stamford Motorcycle Accident Attorney Gets Justice for Crash Victims?

When a motorcyclist is in a collision, they often suffer serious injuries. This could include spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, traumatic amputations, fractures, and crash injuries. Sometimes, they also have extensive asphalt burns, known as road rash.

The cost of emergency medical assessment, transportation, stabilization, and acute care can quickly reach six figures or more. Many require surgery and inpatient treatment at a trauma center, such as Stamford Health, a Level II trauma facility. After their initial care, they continue to inpatient rehabilitation and later outpatient therapy.

While this is essential for their physical recovery, the costs are overwhelming. This is especially true while they are out of work and may not be able to return to their career because of their injuries. This is when our team steps in. We seek fair compensation to cover our client’s expenses and losses, including:

  • Current and future medical care and support
  • Income losses due to missed work
  • Diminished earning capacity for lasting injuries
  • Property damages, including damage to your motorcycle
  • Miscellaneous expenses with receipts
  • Pain and suffering

Our attorneys document and value these damages, ensuring we understand how much the case is potentially worth. This prevents you from settling for a lowball settlement and paying for your future care costs out of your own pocket.

How Our Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help With Catastrophic Injury Cases

Some personal injury claims are more complex than others because of the nature and severity of the victim’s injuries. We call these life-altering, permanent injuries “catastrophic injuries.” When someone suffers catastrophic injuries, it changes many things about the case. This includes:

  • The victim may not be able to contact us to hire our team
  • We may need to establish a power of attorney for a family member
  • The motorcycle accident victim could need long-term, around-the-clock care or ongoing support

Catastrophic injuries are possible in many types of auto accidents, but they may be more common in motorcycle crashes than in most passenger vehicle collisions. Motorcyclists lack certain protections offered by seatbelts, airbags, an engineered steel frame, crumple zones, and other safety features of modern cars.

Wrongful Death in a Stamford Motorcycle Accident Case

Connecticut law allows loved ones to pursue wrongful death damages if their family member died from crash injuries. Under CT. Gen. Stat. § 52-555, the executor of the estate can file a lawsuit and pursue damages, including:

  • Income losses based on their loved one’s missed earnings
  • Any conscious pain and suffering their loved one endured before their death
  • Reasonable medical expenses incurred after the crash and before their death
  • Funeral and burial expenses
  • Loss of consortium for the surviving spouse

The financial recovery in a wrongful death case goes to the estate. The money generally goes directly to immediate family members, but this could vary depending on the will or other estate documents. The money is distributed according to the decedent’s wishes or as decided during the probate process.

Our Attorneys Fight for Our Clients’ Rights After Stamford Motorcycle Accidents

Our compassionate team of lawyers at Trantolo & Trantolo, LLC, have been fighting for your rights since 1938. For more than 85 years, we have represented motorcyclists and other injured crash victims, helping them get fair compensation based on their case facts.

Our trial lawyers are prepared to take cases to court when we need to. We do whatever it takes to recover just compensation for our clients and will not settle for less than they deserve. We are ready to take on your case, no matter how complex.

Our previous clients appreciate that we treated them like family and provided personalized attention and support throughout the legal process. We have a proven track record of success. Some recent settlements and verdicts won for our clients include:

  • $3,000,000 settlement for the wrongful death of a motorcyclist
  • $1,900,000 settlement for a motorcyclist who suffered significant injuries and underwent numerous surgeries
  • $1,700,000 settlement for a motorcycle passenger who suffered serious injuries in a crash that killed her husband
  • $1,200,000 settlement for a motorcyclist with long-term injuries

Our team provides free initial consultations and can go to work for you with no payment due. We work on a contingency-fee basis, so you will not pay until we win your case.

Our Stamford Motorcycle Accident Attorneys Understand What Causes Crashes

Our Stamford car accident lawyers understand the common causes of collisions and know how to document what happened and why. Recognizing the type of crash and the factors that contribute is essential to proving negligence and liability.

Some common ways drivers cause motorcycle accidents include:

  • Failure to yield when turning left
  • Opening doors into traffic while parked
  • Running red lights
  • Following too closely
  • Failure to stop with traffic, rear-ending the motorcyclist
  • Pulling out in front of a motorcyclist
  • Merging without clearing an adjacent lane

Motorcycle accidents can also occur because of numerous other causes. This could include defective tires or motorcycle parts, debris on the roadway, and poor road maintenance or construction.

How Can a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Prove Negligence and Liability in Your Stamford Collision Case?

To hold an at-fault driver legally responsible for a Stamford motorcycle crash, our attorneys need to present a compelling case to the liable party’s insurance carrier, an arbitrator, or the jury at trial. This case relies on evidence to show what happened and why.

Most crashes occur because of a driver’s negligence. That is: They acted carelessly or recklessly and violated a traffic law, which caused the crash and our client’s injuries. If we can show negligence occurred, we can hold the driver liable.

We investigate the crash and gather evidence to show:

  • The driver owed our client a duty of care based on the traffic laws
  • The driver breached the duty of care by violating a traffic law
  • Their traffic offense caused the crash
  • Our client suffered injuries and damages

For example, we might use the police accident report, eyewitness statements, video, relevant medical records, and expert input to document that a driver failed to yield to our client when turning left. This could allow us to recover fair compensation from that driver’s insurance company.

How Will a Stamford Motorcycle Crash Lawyer Seek Compensation in Your Case?

There are several ways our attorneys can win compensation in a Stamford motorcycle accident case. There is no way to know for sure which, if any, might be the eventual outcome of your case. Regardless of whether we sue the at-fault party, the most common way we recover money for our clients is through a negotiated settlement. Many lawsuits still end in a negotiated settlement.

The possible ways we could recover money for you include:

  • Negotiating a settlement with the insurance carrier
  • Mediating a settlement with a trained mediator
  • Arbitration or another alternative dispute resolution tactic
  • Suing the at-fault party and taking the case to a jury trial

Our team will fight for the financial compensation you deserve. When you bring your motorcycle accident claim to our firm, you can trust that our personal injury attorneys have your best interests in mind. We’re ready to advocate for you throughout your case.

When Should You Consider Hiring a Stamford Motorcycle Accident Law Firm?

Our attorneys can take over the communication related to your case and begin protecting your rights the same day you contact us about your case. As soon as you hire our team, you can focus on healing and let us handle the rest.

We encourage injured crash victims or their families to contact us in the first days or weeks after a collision. This not only allows us to handle your claim from the beginning, but we can also identify, preserve, and analyze all available evidence. Sometimes, video, eyewitness accounts, or other key pieces of evidence are lost because of the delay between the accident and when someone requests the information.

There is a deadline for filing a lawsuit in a motorcycle accident case, too. Under CT. Gen. Stat. § 52-584, we generally need to ensure we have a strong case and file the paperwork to begin a lawsuit within two years of the crash. Missing this deadline would jeopardize your right to take the case to trial.

Discuss Your Stamford Motorcycle Accident Case With Our Team for Free

Trantolo & Trantolo, LLC, provides free initial case consultations for motorcycle accident victims and their families in Stamford, CT. We have someone available now who can review your case facts, answer your questions, and help you decide how you wish to proceed with your case. Let Our Family, Help Your Family™.

Contact us today by calling (844) 999-9999.

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