Written by  Keith V. Trantolo

Dogs are a man’s best friend, but what happens when you’re bitten by an unfamiliar dog? Unfortunately, this occurs 4.5 million times every year in the United States. Dogs can be provoked to bite due to several factors, including fright, feeling threatened and defense. We recommend not approaching a stranger’s dog, until the owner says that the animal is friendly. Yet, despite these precautions, dog bites continue to happen. The following resources provide information on dog bites, prevention and treatment.

Connecticut Department of Agriculture: Animal Control Division

The state of Connecticut has many local Animal Control offices, but the main division is located in Hartford, CT. The CT DOAG pursues the following claims made about dogs across the state:

  • Property damage
  • Injury
  • Nuisance

On their website, you can find an application to license your dog at the age of six months and older. You can also explore extensive information on rabies.

American Veterinary Medical Association

The AVMA was established in 1863 to represent veterinarians across the United States. Their dog bite prevention webpage outlines:

  • Facts about dog bites
  • How to properly train your pets
  • Educating children on animal safety
  • Additional links to other useful resources

The Humane Society of the United States

The largest animal protection organization in the country provides information on understanding a dog’s body language, including a video. In addition to what you should do if you believe a dog is about to bite you and what to do if it does, you can learn how to keep your own dog from biting someone.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The CDC is a nationally trusted public health institute, devoted to protecting the health of all Americans. Their resources on keeping pets and people healthy explains:

  • Benefits of owning a dog
  • How to prevent dog bites and scratches
  • Seeking medical care
  • Diseases caused by dog bites